Categories: Purpose

A Quick Thought on September 11th

I was reading about the September 11 attacks and thinking about the real impact of those events. I remember that I was in my home office with a television on to the news when the attacks started. It was like watching a special effects Hollywood movie. It was hard to comprehend that anyone who attack American on its home soil, but here we were.

Twenty years on what we now have is a nation severely divided along political lines. Politian’s, left and right, have highjacked this country to use it for their own agenda. A study that came out a few years ago stated that the American voter had less than 1% impact on public policy. We have been taken out of the game.

This country is now run by two mammoth corporations whose revenue are tax free donations and whose product is influence. The heads of these corporations write the rules, pick the players and control the game.

I think back to the early Church. It got its start because the members lived exemplary lives. Others gravitated to them not because the had great slogans, beautiful building and charismatic leaders, but because they lived a life worth living. They were envied for what they had and others drew close to see what it was. They wanted to know what made them different?

If we want America to get back to world leadership, we need to take the very same approach as the early Church, live a life worth living. We need to set aside our differences and live like people to be envied. To me it all starts with Christians. We need to stop our stupid and useless bickering about things that have no eternal implications. We need to be the people that others look to and draw close to.

What should we have we learned in 20 years? Agur knew:

Proverbs 30:7-9. ” Two things I ask of you, Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.”

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