The Dopamine Experience

2 days ago

The dopamine experience, the runner's high; gambling, extreme sports, or even drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines provide an emotional thrill.…

The Man in the Mirror or the Man Behind it

1 week ago

My thoughts today began with deciding whether I was the man in the mirror or the man behind it. We…

What is Your Gibeonite?

2 weeks ago

What is your Gibeonite? A Gibeonite is something that seems trivial to you at the time but weakens your dependence…

Compassion for a Stranger

3 weeks ago

Why is it easier to have compassion for a stranger than for those we know? I was watching a police…

We Were Born to Thrive

1 month ago

We Were Born to Thrive is the title of Casting Crowns song. I love the context of their message. God…

A Truer Version of Ourselves

1 month ago

A truer version of ourselves should be the goal of every believer. It is the drive within us to be…

Peter Went Fishing

1 month ago

Peter went fishing.  Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. John 21:3, "Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing." "We'll…

You are Worth More than you Think

2 months ago

You are worth more than you think. There are about eight billion people on the face of this planet. At…

God is Someone, not Something.

2 months ago

God is someone, not something. He is not a set of rules or an organizational structure. He is not a…

One Person Can make a Difference

2 months ago

One Person can make a difference. I know many of us don’t believe it can be us. We believe we…