
A Truer Version of Ourselves

A truer version of ourselves should be the goal of every believer. It is the drive within us to be something we do not quite understand. It is a paradox, a puzzle: a fuzzy image of who we could be if we could stop being who we are.

A speaker at a conference made this statement: “We are being remade into a truer image ourselves.” That sentence echoed through my brain for several days. It summed up my struggle. As I move from who I made myself into being toward what God made me, I am transforming into the person God has always wanted me to be. What an incredible thought.

Jeremiah 31:3, “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”


Within God’s protective casing, He radically transforms who we are.

We struggle for our identity, yet it is already within us; we need to find it. Years ago, I wanted to hike the Estelle Mine Train trail in northeast Georgia. I wanted to travel it because it followed the route of an old narrow gauge mine train that went from Pigeon Mountain, through seven tunnels, to what was once Estelle, Georgia. I thought it would be neat to hike the tunnels. Once on the trail, I realized this “right of way” hadn’t been used since 1924. The tunnels shrouded by time had their entrances partially covered by rock slides and overgrowth. Finding the tunnels took some effort and determination. I had a map and the stories from the internet of the hike. Even with all of that, some were almost impossible to find.

God gives us the map, and He gives us the stories in the Bible, but finding a truer version of ourselves is still hard to achieve. In my case, I try too hard. I feel that God’s actual plan for me is massive and mysterious. It is a grand puzzle I must solve. To get the prize, I must endure, overcome, and remain steadfast, all the superlatives we hear in church. Finding my one true self is the ultimate goal of being a Christian and following Christ. Without sacrifice, it has no value. That’s crazy talk.

Psalm 143:10, “Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

Imaginal Discs

They are the highly organized groups of resources needed to become who God made us to be.

The challenging part is to be calm, immersed in scripture and prayer, and listen to God’s voice. It is a whisper in the night. It is the nudge that will not go away and the itch that needs to be scratched.

There is a variation of a great quote from CS Lewis that I love: “Give me the longing the scent of a flower I have not found, the echo of a tune I have not heard, and a grace so powerful it changes all the lives I touch” CS Lewis’ quote ended with “and news from a country I have not yet visited” in place of “and a grace so powerful it changes all the lives I touch” The quote I use here came from a Christian work of fiction that I no longer remember and can’t find a reference. I see a grace so powerful in my mind that it changes all the lives I touch as if it were supernatural radiation of pure white light that illuminates everything upon which it falls.

I hope you can think of the imagery: the scent of a flower I have not found… the echo of a tune I have not heard…., and the struggle we feel to find our true selves. The struggle is in the unquenchable desire to be that person. Every fiber of our being longs for it. It is what God made us before we existed. And yet we know it not.


Just like the Butterfly, God created the transformation from a chrysalis to achieve His desired results. The Butterfly does not get to choose; it is simply obedient to the call.

Part of finding and living our purpose is quieting our minds to hear God speak. He gives us all the breadcrumbs through passion, skills, opportunity, and resources. But to apply all of this to His kingdom takes direction. That direction comes from God through scripture, prayer, and council.

Matthew 11:30, “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

You don’t have to reinvent yourself to be a truer version of yourself. It is not a monumental task that takes years to achieve. God has made you to be that person. He has instilled greatness in each of us. But it must be His greatness, not ours.

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”  – Napoleon Hill.

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