
Breaking Free: Doing That For Which You Were Created

“Breaking Free: Doing That For Which You Were Created.” Have you ever felt like you might not be doing the right thing or that you’re just in the wrong place? It’s a familiar feeling, and we find ourselves in such situations for many reasons. Ideally, passion drives us—we discover what we love, pursue it, and thrive in it. But for many, that’s the exception rather than the rule.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” — C.S. Lewis, crediting Carl Bard.

Often, we start doing something, get good at it over time, and feel stuck because we’ve invested so much effort. The idea of starting over feels daunting, so we stay on a path that may not bring true fulfillment. Here’s the cautionary tale: no matter how much success or power you gain, there will always be an empty spot if you do not align yourself with your purpose. Think of David’s journey or Joseph.

Gallup’s Global Workplace Report (2022) reveals that only 21% of employees worldwide are satisfied with their work. This study indicates a widespread disconnect, with many feeling their jobs lack meaning or hope for the future. That’s not God’s plan for your life. His design is for you to experience joy, hope, and purpose.

The world is full of people treading water—moving along paths, unsure how to leave. Life has conditioned us to believe it is about survival, not happiness. But this is a misconception. God created you for more.

Here are some of my guiding principles to help you discern your purpose:

Doing Builds on Your Past

1 Peter 4:10: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Every season in life builds upon the last, preparing us for the next. God uses your experiences, even the difficult ones, to shape your future. Those dark times, when things didn’t go as planned, can become the roots of compassion and relatability.

If the direction you’re considering doesn’t incorporate your past experiences, pause and reevaluate. God never wastes what He’s invested in you.

You Have the Right Experience

James 1:17: “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.”

Purpose aligns with the skills and knowledge you’ve already acquired. While growth is essential, if your next step requires constantly struggling with tasks you dislike or don’t excel at, it’s unlikely to bring lasting joy.

Sacrifice is necessary at times, but constant sacrifice can lead to burnout. Align your calling with your strengths to serve others joyfully.

It’s the Right Time

Romans 11:29: “The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”

Timing is crucial. God grooms us for the right moment, instilling new skills, connecting us with the right people, and planting the desire for change. It might not be the right time if a decision feels forced or premature.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” — Frederick Buechner.

However, don’t let fear hold you back. There’s a difference between bad timing and resistance to change. Trust God’s leading to discern which it is.

You’re Qualified

1 Corinthians 12:4: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.”

Hard skills are essential, but they’re not the only measure of qualification. Passion and aptitude matter just as much. Soft skills—the essence of who you are—must align with your calling. You’ll burn out if you constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone. God designed you uniquely for your purpose, and it will align with who you are.

Doing Brings Joy

God’s purpose for you will ignite your passion. Ask yourself, “If I did this for the rest of my life, would it bring me joy?” Life is too short to ignore what excites your soul. God wants you to delight in the work He has prepared for you.

Seek Clarity

Finding your purpose is like searching for a unicorn—rare and challenging but worth it. Personal honesty is vital. Be open to the insights of others who know you well, as they might see strengths you’ve overlooked.

Remember, life unfolds in seasons. Each season builds upon the last, honing your skills and preparing you for the next chapter of God’s plan. Don’t view your purpose as static but as a dynamic journey of growth and discovery.

Trust in God’s timing, lean into your experiences and embrace the joy He has prepared for you. Your purpose is waiting—step into it boldly and confidently.

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