
Are You Missing the Blessings

How many of us are missing the blessings given to us by Christ? We pray for an outcome that never…

4 weeks ago

Things that Don’t Matter

What was the hardest personal goal you've set for yourself? Our greatest fear should not be failure, but succeeding at…

3 months ago

If Money Didn’t Matter?

List three jobs you'd consider pursuing if money didn't matter. What about skill and aptitude? Disregarding skill and aptitude it…

3 months ago

What could you do more of?

What could you do more of? The key to life and contentment is to realize that life has never been…

3 months ago

Why it Happens or What Do I Do Next?

When faced with a difficult situation, do you ask why it happens or what do I do next? Why something…

1 year ago

God’s Great Story

Being the person God made us to be, we participate in the grand finale of God’s great story—eternity with Him.

2 years ago

Alone in the Dark

There will always be someone better than you, at almost everything, in a world obsessed with image and performance. Others…

3 years ago

The Care and Feeding of God Moments

Tell a Story: Your story is the key that can unlock someone else's prison.

3 years ago

The World of 1910

During my lifetime, over 190 million people would die from war and flu alone, very unnatural causes. This death toll…

5 years ago

I need you to find me

Is your real passion and purpose waiting inside you to be found?

5 years ago