However three questions loom large for us as a church: Who are we? What is our Kingdom calling? How should we live?
The Church is the bride of Christ and functions as an outpost of heaven — a counter-cultural Kingdom colony. We are more than a collection of individuals; we are a family and holy ground that anticipates heaven. Fellowship is that and more.
We are an inter-cultural, inter-generational, and inter-ideological holy remnant who does not bow the knee to a world leader or power. We venerate and worship the Christ who has saved us and is our King. We are those who belong to God and have a Kingdom calling to worship God and care deeply for our neighbors.
Our identity as children of God is cast in stone — won by the body, blood, and resurrection of Jesus. We are sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have been called to make disciples of all ethnicities, languages, countries, ideologies, and political affiliations. We do so gladly and joyfully! Now that the election is behind us one question remains: How should we live? [Let’s focus on today, because tomorrow has troubles of its own.] Today, feel your feelings. Whether exultant or discouraged we are humans who should make space and time to feel what we feel.
But let’s agree to not stay there. We have too much work to do. We must not remain in despair or live in discouragement for the future because of the outcome of the election. Nor should we gloat or strut because our team won. If you’re sad, be sad. If you’re excited, be excited! Feel your feelings. Feel them deeply. But don’t make how you feel today your emotional home.
How then shall we live as a people? We live with Trust and Hope.
Considering the range of emotion within our church it would be wise for each of us to choose to trust and hope.
Trust in the God who commands all things under his power and is near to us at every moment. Trust that God truly is working all things out for the good of those who love him—including who is elected to office. And we must hope. Hope that God will continue to restrain sin and its effects across the world. Hope that the Kingdom of God still marches on to its inevitable end. Hope that we will one day be with Jesus.
And hope that Jesus will arrive in the sky and bring us home. A church that trusts God’s deep involvement in our lives and is willing to courageously hope is a church that lives well. We must continue to preach and live out the gospel. We must continue to hope in the resurrection. We continue to love our neighbors and invest in the world around us. Fellowship, this is our moment. Now is Our time.
We should remember the instruction of Romans 12:14-18:
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
If you are rejoicing today, rejoice! If you are sad today, be sad. Feel your feelings. AND fix your mind and heart on Jesus.
Fellowship, Now is our time. Today and each day ahead we can do something that rarely happens at churches across our nation: We can create space for each of us to feel deeply AND choose to live at peace with one another. We were built for this. We were made for this moment. God has constructed our inter-generational and inter-cultural fellowship to not only endure such a time but thrive through it.
There is, perhaps, no other church more battle tested and ready for the days ahead. Now is our time. This is our moment to be the people God has called us to be. This is the appointed time for us to live into our Kingdom calling. We were made for this moment!
How then shall we live? We live unto God so that Everyone Everywhere Experiences Jesus! Friends, we have work to do. As the church we press on toward the upward call in Christ Jesus. We press on in prayer. We press on in hope. We press on in trust. We press on until what is happening in the throne room of God (at this moment!) is also happening at Fellowship, in our communities, in our homes, and in us: As it is on earth as it is in heaven.
Let’s continue our work together until Everyone, Everywhere Experiences Jesus. Our purpose matters. You matter. We matter. Regardless of how you voted, how you feel today, or your hopes about the future of our nation one thing remains true: You Belong Here!
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