By Donna Beverly (International Mission Connection)
We are in the midst of a pandemic event. My hope is that one day we will look back on this as merely another story in a history book or a chronicle on the internet. Maybe our grandchildren will tell the stories to their own children of a time when the whole world panicked at the thought that someone somewhere was spreading a disease we couldn’t quite understand.
Memories of this time will likely take on selective interpretations. Some will remember that politicians jumped in impulsively to blame and accuse when they had the opportunity to take a higher road. Some will recall the enemies of the White House clucking that our president had again missed the mark. Some will remember those who downplayed the virus and continued to go about their business defying the advice from medical professionals to just stay home. Some will think of the ways that their communities of faith and friendship gathered round to help run errands, to make sure children were cared for, and to lovingly touch base with those at risk with a cup of compassion. Inevitably, no one will ever forget the empty grocery shelves as folks clamored for the last of the toilet paper.
Disney World has closed down. Maybe the biggest mark of all that this is indeed serious. Even Mickey Mouse wants a sabbatical from all of this hysteria.
Corporations are taking care of their own and mandating that employees work from home. Professionals at keyboards all over the country while their kids are at play in the den. Innocents believing that a day off from school just means more time to watch the latest version of Frozen.
Meanwhile, countless laborers who are not so fortunate to have union-protected jobs or company payrolls are scrambling to hold on to piecemeal business. Hoping that their week’s housecleaning schedule or security guard night shift will not be cancelled. Small business owners are left to wonder how they will ever totally bail out of the deep fall in which they find themselves. Help will surely come to some, but not likely to all, who are profoundly impacted by the pandemic panic.
In all of this helter skelter, we are tempted to ask, “What is God doing amidst all of this chaos?” To me, the answers are complex and, at the same time, awe-inspiring. The Bible talks of those who “never experience the path of peace” and “shut their eyes to the awe-inspiring God.” Throughout the ages, there have been plagues, destruction, disaster, and unpredictable and unforeseeable catastrophes. Through it all, there are stories of those who survived and passed through troubled waters in perfect peace. There are others who panicked and ran away from God rather than toward him. Folks who missed seeing God’s awe-inspiring presence even in the troubled times.
So can it be that the question we should be asking as we look through the lens of our own global and personal histories is not “What is God doing?”, but “What are we doing amidst all of this?”
How are we going to react and respond to this time that has not finished with us yet? How widespread will our peace be in a time of pandemonium? How infectious will our faith story be to onlookers? Could God be giving all of us well-intenders a time-out to disinfect our hearts, get rid of our scabs, and breathe the fresh pure air of his spirit even in the midst of a fallen and hurting world?
The airline flight attendants always caution passengers in their pre-flight instructions to get familiar with their own oxygen masks. In time of potential crash landing, passengers are always advised to put on their own mask first even before trying to help a small child or other passenger. No one does any ultimate good by rushing to restore the next guy if he has overlooked his own means of protection within his comfortable reach.
In times, like these, we need to examine our own spiritual oxygen masks. In times of seclusion, we have the beautiful and affordable moments to be still with the Lord. In our homes. In our communities. Around the dinner table where we are now spending more time with our immediate family rather than running through a McDonald’s drive-thru. What will our children and grandchildren see as we navigate these adjustments to our otherwise self-consumed lifestyles?
Will we take time to cancel some “appointments” that we once thought were so necessary to just make an appointment with God? Could we possibly substitute a walk outside for the aerobics class we just couldn’t miss two weeks ago? Can we forego a group Bible study and dare sit in the quiet early hours of our own homes immersing ourselves in the comfort of Psalms? Will it kill us to postpone a mission trip to do Vacation Bible School in a village somewhere so we can just do Bible School here as we gather our loved ones close?
What is God doing amidst all of this chaos? What God has always done through the ages. He lovingly helps us to keep on planting seeds even when the land appears to be barren and eroded. He promises that “good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.” James 3:18 (PT)
What are we doing amidst all of this? Learning to put on our own oxygen masks? Thoughtfully considering how we genuinely worship within our homes without needing online streaming capabilities to pipe in more of conventional rituals? Is it time to scramble back to the basics of what we truly believe in and how we can share our oxygen masks in times when people are fearful that, like Lysol and toilet paper, there won’t be enough air to go around?
This pandemic provides us a perfect time to experience peace and to share peace and to celebrate peace. God never assured us that there would be no pestilence in our imperfect gardens. He did, however, continue to memorialize his divine track record of being with us through it all. Psalm 121:3-8 (PT) reminds us “He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; he will never forget nor ignore me. He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people…he’s protecting you from all danger both day and night… You will be safe when you leave your home and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and he’ll protect you forevermore!”
May we embrace that assurance of God’s protection and indescribable peace today as we prepare our own oxygen masks in his presence and for his purpose.
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