Categories: Motivation

Political Deception and the Enemy

I have had this on my mind for some time. At first, it was a mild annoyance, then a whining irritant, but it has crescendoed into a roaring beast that I can not ignore. It starts when friends of mine on the right or the left cherry-picking their facts, or ignore them altogether in support of their chosen political party. Most of my friends, but not all, are Christians. They are on the right and the left, even though each claims the other cannot be a Christian based on the party affiliation. To hear the animosity and caustic claims of these people have against each other is more than disheartening, it is worth crying over.

I’m frustrated and quite frankly angry that self-professing Christians are putting this front to the world. We are supposed to be the guiding light. Who would follow this claptrap of nonsense? The visceral hatred in some of the comments is alarming. Many of us seem to have lost sight of who is in control. It is not Wall Street or the Deep State.

2 Corinthians 11:14, “No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

The enemy (evil) is using this current state of affairs to spread fear and anxiety. The significant part of his plan is that he is using Christians to do it. He gives us something that resembles the truth. It supports the things we want. He tells us the other side is evil and wants to take it away from us. As good Christians, we should fight against that evil. But he is telling both sides the same story, but with different facts.

He stands back and watches us tear into each other. He points to the non-believer and says, “Do you see that? They go after each other like mad dogs fighting over a bone. Is that the God of the universe? Is that the God of love and compassion?”

2 Corinthians 11:3, “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

The enemy creates these invisible bogeymen with apparent superpowers that allow them to manipulate people at will. “The other side are all sheep; we are the only thinkers,” say both sides. We stop believing that God will watch over us. We stop believing God is in control. We stop understanding that our God is the God of the people, not the Democrats or the Republicans. In the end, He wins, no plan “B.”

We forget that we are the reflection on earth of our heavenly Father. We don’t get to pick and chose when to wear that coat. Once we decided to follow, it is ours to wear every day, all day long.

1 Timothy 3:7, “And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

I want to try to talk sense with these people, but they’re so angry and self-righteous. I’m exhausted and tired. I don’t want to deal with this ignorance anymore. I’m going to throw in the towel and let God do what He is going to do. I have neither the strength nor the ability to overcome this evil. I don’t know what I was thinking in the first place.

One Last Request

My email is clogged with rumors and theories concerning the COVID-19 virus. It is absolutely ridiculous. The “truths” that people will pass on without a second thought is mind-boggling. Just stop, no matter how important you think it is that everyone knows, just stop. Enough already.

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Tags: Christian

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