Christian Blog

God’s Tapestry of Life

Each of us is a double-knotted thread in God’s tapestry of life. In His greatness, He died for our past,…

3 days ago

Point Nemo

Point Nemo is one of the most remote locations on Earth, officially known as the oceanic pole of inaccessibility. It…

1 week ago

We Only Get One Life

We only get one life, and time flows in only one direction. Every moment is unique and irreplaceable, never to…

1 month ago

Everyone has a Story.

Everyone has a story—you have one, and everyone you meet has one. One of the most essential life skills is…

1 month ago

Watch One, Do One, Teach One

Watch one, Do One, Teach One. One of the things I have learned in life is that original ideas come…

1 month ago

Getting in the Way of God

Getting in the way of God, what does that mean? This idea is a concept that I struggle with constantly.…

2 months ago

What is Your Art?

What is your art? That was the question Charlie Paparelli posed this morning. Charlie is what I would call a…

2 months ago


Having a calling: do we have a calling, and if so, how would we know? I often think about this…

2 months ago


Randomness seems so random. Simple concepts sometimes catch my attention. One of them is randomness. Did you know you cannot…

3 months ago

Wise, Foolish, and Evil

According to Dr. Henry Cloud, there are three types of people: wise, foolish, and evil. Every morning, I read from…

3 months ago