Christian Blog

I Never Heard Anyone Regret Prayer.

I’ve never heard anyone regret praying. I certainly haven’t. While some may be hesitant to pray or feel like some…

3 months ago

A Problem Without a Solution is a Fact

“If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem but a fact, not to be solved, but…

4 months ago

Crazy Love

Crazy Love is the name of my favorite coffee shop. Its genesis is scripture and the crazy pursuit of God…

4 months ago

Pray Without Ceasing

Pray without ceasing. I must confess I do not understand prayer. I know God answers prayer because I have seen…

4 months ago

What is Your Gibeonite?

What is your Gibeonite? A Gibeonite is something that seems trivial to you at the time but weakens your dependence…

5 months ago

Peter Went Fishing

Peter went fishing.  Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. John 21:3, "Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing." "We'll…

6 months ago

God-Given Gifts

God-given gifts, do we understand the difference between Spiritual gifts and natural gifts? Do we think they are the same?…

8 months ago

Give a Man a Fish

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach him to fish and eat for a…

8 months ago

Understanding and Pursuing God’s Plan

One of our most important challenges is how to pursue God’s plan for our lives. It is not easy to…

8 months ago

Do We live for God or With God?

Do we live for God or with God? We all go through seasons of doubt. It is those times when…

8 months ago