Crazy Love is the name of my favorite coffee shop. Its genesis is scripture and the crazy pursuit of God…
Pray without ceasing. I must confess I do not understand prayer. I know God answers prayer because I have seen…
What is your Gibeonite? A Gibeonite is something that seems trivial to you at the time but weakens your dependence…
Peter went fishing. Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. John 21:3, "Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing." "We'll…
God-given gifts, do we understand the difference between Spiritual gifts and natural gifts? Do we think they are the same?…
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach him to fish and eat for a…
One of our most important challenges is how to pursue God’s plan for our lives. It is not easy to…
Do we live for God or with God? We all go through seasons of doubt. It is those times when…
Another part of my life that needs evaluation this coming year is my perception of seeking the truth or validation.…
I want to be a new creature in the New Year. Actually, I don’t really want to be a new…