Christian Blog

Swimming with Jesus

Ever wonder what it would be like to go swimming with Jesus? Swimming far from shore, deep under the surface,…

2 years ago

A Sobering Thought

I was reminded of a sobering thought today. I was looking through old documents I had written to see if…

2 years ago

Seeking Faith Rather than Seeking Christ

Are we seeking faith rather than seeking Christ? This quote is a paraphrase from John Wesley concerning the mountaintop experience…

2 years ago

Faith with Absolute Assurance

Faith is the assurance of things we hope for but have not received. We believe because we can see the…

2 years ago


Does your life have the impact that you want it to have? Of course, everyone has an impact, but is…

2 years ago

Does God think I’m a fool?

Does God think I am a fool? I should hope not, but the opportunity is there.

2 years ago


I struggle with a great many things when it comes to following Christ. I struggle with my ability to obey,…

2 years ago

Enter the New Year

Enter the New Year. It is the Chinese year of the rabbit, which is appropriate. As we enter the new…

2 years ago

The New Beginning

The new beginning I seek is to live my life as if it was a gift from God and I…

2 years ago

Sharing the Gospel at Christmas

Christmas can be chaotic, noisy, disappointing, exciting, and crazy good all at the same time. This confluence can and will…

2 years ago