Christian Value

Contentment, Happiness, and Joy

Contentment, Happiness, and Joy: I discussed these three issues with a good friend. It is easy to get confused. Which…

2 weeks ago

Cascading Decisions

Cascading decisions rule our lives. Millions of people make millions of everyday decisions in millions of places, causing a cascade…

3 weeks ago

Everyone has a Story.

Everyone has a story—you have one, and everyone you meet has one. One of the most essential life skills is…

1 month ago

Getting in the Way of God

Getting in the way of God, what does that mean? This idea is a concept that I struggle with constantly.…

2 months ago

What is Your Art?

What is your art? That was the question Charlie Paparelli posed this morning. Charlie is what I would call a…

2 months ago

Pay it Forward

Pay it forward was a trendy movement a couple of years ago. But that trend was about feeling good not…

2 years ago

Who is “You”?

Sometimes we get so used to thinking one way that it never dawns on us that our thinking may be…

2 years ago

A Memorable Heart

“A memorable heart is the easiest way to immortality.” ― Suzy Kassem

2 years ago

The Conundrum of Intentional Obedience

“I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because…

2 years ago

Are You Valued the Right Way?

Never settle for a life that is less than the one God created for you.

2 years ago