Reflecting on the upcoming holidays and their meaning to me through the years has brought me to a story. Proverbs…
Many of us took up our American freedom and cast our ballots this week. That vote is in and our…
Trusting in God's plan when the future is unknown and incredibly important, takes not just faith but courage. In the…
The scene of the crime is in your mind. What misdeed we discuss doesn't matter; human behavior starts with a…
Each of us is a double-knotted thread in God’s tapestry of life. In His greatness, He died for our past,…
Point Nemo is one of the most remote locations on Earth, officially known as the oceanic pole of inaccessibility. It…
We only get one life, and time flows in only one direction. Every moment is unique and irreplaceable, never to…
Everyone has a story—you have one, and everyone you meet has one. One of the most essential life skills is…
Watch one, Do One, Teach One. One of the things I have learned in life is that original ideas come…
Getting in the way of God, what does that mean? This idea is a concept that I struggle with constantly.…