
A Biblical Perspective of Planning

If you don't have a destination, any road will get you there. Find that point on the horizon and go…

5 years ago

The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants

Love binds everything, all our virtues, all our passion, and all of our effort into an unstoppable force for God’s…

5 years ago

A Truer Version of Ourselves

How to we find, understand and live the life that we were intended to live?

5 years ago

What are the characteristics of a great purpose?

How do I start defining my purpose in life?

5 years ago

Gratification Deferred

Do you sometime think that you are wasting your time, that nothing really good has come from your effort?

5 years ago


I should be dead, maybe I was.

5 years ago

What if I Don’t like the Destination?

Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?

5 years ago

What if I’m not Equipped for God’s Plan for Me

Did you ever feel like you just weren't cut out for anything important or meaningful?

5 years ago

What you can be, you must be

Do you struggle with a description of yourself that actually sound worthwhile and meaningful?

5 years ago

I am not Billy Graham

Discovering and chasing our purpose can be daunting. We not only have to deal with the uncertainty of what it…

5 years ago