
Ahaziah’s Christmas Story

Ahaziah's Christmas Story: I wondered what it might be like for a commoner (Ahaziah) to come across Jesus in Bethlehem.…

9 months ago

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord is one of our human flaws. Waiting, in general, is a major flaw for most of…

10 months ago

Sharing the Gospel at Christmas

Christmas can be chaotic, noisy, disappointing, exciting, and crazy good all at the same time. This confluence can and will…

2 years ago

Another Christmas Story

The Birth of Christ is the greatest of all Christmas stories. Within that Christmas story, there is another story that…

2 years ago

Great Stories

It was once said that all great stories begin in tragedy. I understand that. Great stories need to triumph over…

2 years ago

Christmas Afterglow

Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,…

3 years ago

Merry Christmas

Luke 2:11, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the…

3 years ago

Where Does Christmas Find You?

There is no perfect job, perfect relationship, or perfect life; there are only perfect moments. So don't get lost looking…

3 years ago

Waiting on Christmas

Psalm 145:5-7, “I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak…

3 years ago

Christmas – The Story of a Promise and Patience

We wait 364 days every year for Christmas to arrive; Israel waited over 400 years. Those that lost faith missed…

4 years ago