Cascading decisions rule our lives. Millions of people make millions of everyday decisions in millions of places, causing a cascade…
We only get one life, and time flows in only one direction. Every moment is unique and irreplaceable, never to…
Everyone has a story—you have one, and everyone you meet has one. One of the most essential life skills is…
Randomness seems so random. Simple concepts sometimes catch my attention. One of them is randomness. Did you know you cannot…
Understanding myself; evolving from information to wisdom. Like many Christians, I struggle with obedience. I have gotten to a place…
According to Dr. Henry Cloud, there are three types of people: wise, foolish, and evil. Every morning, I read from…
I’ve never heard anyone regret praying. I certainly haven’t. While some may be hesitant to pray or feel like some…
Live like Jesus. You must first embody those principles within yourself to inspire others to believe and act in a…
“If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem but a fact, not to be solved, but…
Crazy Love is the name of my favorite coffee shop. Its genesis is scripture and the crazy pursuit of God…