The most profound narrative ever told revolves around God’s underdogs. Storytelling holds a special place in my heart.
Surviving the act of caring is exhausting. The Bible teaches us to care for those around us, but at what…
Despite our firm belief that God is sovereign over all things, we find joy elusive.
I am mesmerized by our Creator's presence, the architect of everything. Witnessing the splendor He has crafted moved me to…
Then God intervenes. It is not a shout but a whisper. It is a conviction. It is an unsettling conversation…
According to the bushman of the Kalahari Desert, there are two types of hunger: "little" for food and "great" for…
It is all the little decisions that we make day-to-day that end up dictating our choices when making big decisions.
There is a fine line between humble and insecure. That line sometimes is almost invisible. God calls us to be…
When faced with the decision of Jesus or religion, I chose Jesus. I want an amazing scripture-based, gospel-fearing, Jesus-loving experience.
Picking up rocks is continuous evangelism exercised where you are in the moment. It is the consistency by which you…