
The Greatest Name in History (Repost from 02/201/22)

Number one on their list was Jesus. Judging strictly on longevity and influence, Jesus was determined to be the biggest…

9 months ago

Is the Prosperity Gospel What You Think?

Is the true prosperity gospel what we think? I cringe every time I hear someone imply that God will reward…

10 months ago

The Next Chapter of Stories to Tell

We are a collection of great stories waiting to be told. It is our choice to write these stories or…

11 months ago

Why it Happens or What Do I Do Next?

When faced with a difficult situation, do you ask why it happens or what do I do next? Why something…

11 months ago

Time as a Commodity in God’s Kingdom

Time is the only element of human existence that cannot be acquired, reused, or stored for later use; It passes…

11 months ago

God’s Underdogs

The most profound narrative ever told revolves around God’s underdogs. Storytelling holds a special place in my heart.

1 year ago

Surviving the Act of Caring

Surviving the act of caring is exhausting. The Bible teaches us to care for those around us, but at what…

1 year ago

The Elusive Pursuit of Joy

Despite our firm belief that God is sovereign over all things, we find joy elusive.

1 year ago

How Great Thou Art

I am mesmerized by our Creator's presence, the architect of everything. Witnessing the splendor He has crafted moved me to…

1 year ago

26692 Opportunities

Today is one of the 26,692 mornings I have woken up; 26,692 chances to change the world, create a new…

1 year ago