
Good Passion Versus Bad Passion

Psalm 73:25-26, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.…

3 years ago


Passion is sometimes it is like looking for a unicorn. You know, the pink ones with the long sparky mane,…

3 years ago

Being Different

It takes courage to be different. But being different in a fallen world is not a bad thing. On the…

3 years ago

My Testimony

Psalms 107:4-6, "They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in. Hungry and…

3 years ago

Living on Purpose

Your job, business, or skill may be the tool that God uses in your life to demonstrate His glory, but…

3 years ago

Word of the Year – Post Truth

James 1:26, “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own…

3 years ago

My Last Day in Toknok

As I sit in my room on the last day of my trip to Kyrgyzstan, I have mixed emotions. These…

3 years ago

More Reading Suggestions During My Sabbatical

My Reading suggestions for the week of August 24th I hope you enjoy them.

3 years ago

More Reading Suggestions During My Sabbatical

Reading Suggestions for the Week of August 10th.

3 years ago


I am taking a little sabbatical from posting. I am about to go overseas for a few weeks on back-to-back…

3 years ago