
God’s Underdogs

The most profound narrative ever told revolves around God’s underdogs. Storytelling holds a special place in my heart.

1 year ago

Surviving the Act of Caring

Surviving the act of caring is exhausting. The Bible teaches us to care for those around us, but at what…

1 year ago

The Elusive Pursuit of Joy

Despite our firm belief that God is sovereign over all things, we find joy elusive.

2 years ago

26692 Opportunities

Today is one of the 26,692 mornings I have woken up; 26,692 chances to change the world, create a new…

2 years ago

When God Intervenes

Then God intervenes. It is not a shout but a whisper. It is a conviction. It is an unsettling conversation…

2 years ago

Little Decisions Create our Future Options

 It is all the little decisions that we make day-to-day that end up dictating our choices when making big decisions.

2 years ago

A Fine Line Between Humble and Insecure

There is a fine line between humble and insecure. That line sometimes is almost invisible. God calls us to be…

2 years ago

All Christians Have to Choose between Jesus or Religion

When faced with the decision of Jesus or religion, I chose Jesus. I want an amazing scripture-based, gospel-fearing, Jesus-loving experience.

2 years ago

The Extraordinary Joy of Picking up Rocks

Picking up rocks is continuous evangelism exercised where you are in the moment. It is the consistency by which you…

2 years ago

God’s Great Story

Being the person God made us to be, we participate in the grand finale of God’s great story—eternity with Him.

2 years ago