One Person can make a difference. I know many of us don’t believe it can be us. We believe we…
"Breaking Free: Doing That For Which You Were Created." Have you ever felt like you might not be doing the…
Living the life of Ester: embracing your God-given purpose. Have you ever wondered if you're where you're meant to be?…
Peter Pan said, "You can have anything in life if you sacrifice everything else for it." Peter wasn't wrong. Paul…
The need to love and be loved is one of the most decisive impulses created in us at birth. 1…
The present moment is all we truly have. Think about it—there are 31,536,000 seconds in 2025, and once they're gone,…
Genesis 1:31: "Then God looked over all he had made and saw that it was very good!" God left no…
Trusting in God's plan when the future is unknown and incredibly important, takes not just faith but courage. In the…
Can we find true purpose and meaning through aspiration, not occupation? In today’s world, people often associate their identity with…
Pick a fight, really? I was reading Regi Campell's book Radical Wisdom, and he talked about picking a fight. In…