
Overcoming Challenging Times

Isolation with too much social media can amplify the challenges in our lives. We should view these challenges as a…

4 years ago

The Privilege of Prayer

Martin Luther said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Don't…

4 years ago

The Joy of Spiritual Humility

Joseph started out as an arrogant child. Jacob doted on him, and dressed him in extravagant clothes. Joseph tattled on…

4 years ago

Fighting Fatigue

This is not a time to lament; it is a time to rejoice that God has opened the world to…

4 years ago

Finding Peace

They told the president that they had prayed that “God would be on our side.” Lincoln corrected them, saying, “No,…

4 years ago

A Journey to Joy

I have had a few tenuous days. At times I become hypersensitive. I let small things become big things in…

4 years ago

Jumping over the Bar

Acts 20:35, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the…

4 years ago

Pandemic Pause

Silence is when God speaks. He won't compete for your attention unless it is absolutely necessary. God will wait for…

4 years ago

Visions of Heaven

I want to know that there are people here, embracing the God of the universe, reveling in all His glory,…

4 years ago

Be Content

In this time of turmoil with record unemployment and isolation, it can be easy to loose our focus.

4 years ago