
God’s Tapestry of Life

Each of us is a double-knotted thread in God’s tapestry of life. In His greatness, He died for our past,…

3 days ago

Getting in the Way of God

Getting in the way of God, what does that mean? This idea is a concept that I struggle with constantly.…

2 months ago

Understanding Myself.

Understanding myself; evolving from information to wisdom. Like many Christians, I struggle with obedience. I have gotten to a place…

3 months ago

I Never Heard Anyone Regret Prayer.

I’ve never heard anyone regret praying. I certainly haven’t. While some may be hesitant to pray or feel like some…

3 months ago

Live Like Jesus: Share What You Have

Live like Jesus. You must first embody those principles within yourself to inspire others to believe and act in a…

4 months ago

A Problem Without a Solution is a Fact

“If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem but a fact, not to be solved, but…

4 months ago


Fate whispered to the warrior, "You can not withstand the storm. " The warrior whispered back, "I am the storm."…

5 months ago

A Truer Version of Ourselves

A truer version of ourselves should be the goal of every believer. It is the drive within us to be…

6 months ago

You are Worth More than you Think

You are worth more than you think. There are about eight billion people on the face of this planet. At…

7 months ago

One Person Can make a Difference

One Person can make a difference. I know many of us don’t believe it can be us. We believe we…

7 months ago