
A Testimony to Anger

This is a testimony to anger and a path to a better life. This post is my personal journey with…

7 months ago

God-Given Gifts

God-given gifts, do we understand the difference between Spiritual gifts and natural gifts? Do we think they are the same?…

8 months ago

Work as an Identity in the New Year

As we move into yet another year, the first question we should contemplate is where work as an identity fits…

9 months ago

Is the Prosperity Gospel What You Think?

Is the true prosperity gospel what we think? I cringe every time I hear someone imply that God will reward…

10 months ago

Managing Spiritual Change in a Chaotic World

Change only happens when the pain required to change is less than the pain of staying the same.

11 months ago

Kingdom Impact – The Parable of Talents

What if we looked at the parable of the talents differently?

12 months ago

The Truth about the Silent Lie

The silent lie is passive; it takes no effort. In many cases, we congratulate ourselves for holding our tongue.

12 months ago

Surviving the Act of Caring

Surviving the act of caring is exhausting. The Bible teaches us to care for those around us, but at what…

1 year ago

Keeping Your Word

Keeping your word seems like a cliché. Keeping your word is easy in theory; but do we inject fine print…

1 year ago

We are Wonderfully Made

God uniquely and perfectly creates us for his specific life purpose. We all have a story to tell.

1 year ago