
A Quick Thought on September 11th

I was reading about the September 11 attacks and thinking about the real impact of those events. I remember that…

3 years ago

Word of the Year – Post Truth

James 1:26, “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own…

3 years ago

My Last Day in Toknok

As I sit in my room on the last day of my trip to Kyrgyzstan, I have mixed emotions. These…

3 years ago

More Reading Suggestions During My Sabbatical

Reading Suggestions for the week of August 17th, Enjoy

3 years ago


I am taking a little sabbatical from posting. I am about to go overseas for a few weeks on back-to-back…

3 years ago

Losing our Identity

Milosz, and others, define ketman as a false stance adopted by a person "in order to find himself at one…

3 years ago

Influence and Purpose

Incredibly, I am who I am. Every aspect of my existence is an attribute required by God to accomplish His…

3 years ago

Small Choices

Small choices build the foundation for more meaningful decisions in our lives. Big decisions are not so much a choice…

3 years ago

To Infinity…and Beyond!

Proverbs 22:29, "Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand…

3 years ago

When Humbleness Turns to Insecurity

The title should have been "How to Lift Yourself up Out of the Mud to Stand on Dry Ground," but…

3 years ago