Why is it easier to have compassion for a stranger than for those we know? I was watching a police…
We Were Born to Thrive is the title of Casting Crowns song. I love the context of their message. God…
Peter went fishing. Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. John 21:3, "Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing." "We'll…
You are worth more than you think. There are about eight billion people on the face of this planet. At…
God is someone, not something. He is not a set of rules or an organizational structure. He is not a…
One Person can make a difference. I know many of us don’t believe it can be us. We believe we…
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach him to fish and eat for a…
Number one on their list was Jesus. Judging strictly on longevity and influence, Jesus was determined to be the biggest…
Waiting on the Lord is one of our human flaws. Waiting, in general, is a major flaw for most of…
Is the true prosperity gospel what we think? I cringe every time I hear someone imply that God will reward…