
Answer God’s call

The story of a stranger, a dark night, and a moment of decision.

4 years ago

Overcoming Challenging Times

Isolation with too much social media can amplify the challenges in our lives. We should view these challenges as a…

4 years ago

Jumping over the Bar

Acts 20:35, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the…

4 years ago

Pandemic Pause

Silence is when God speaks. He won't compete for your attention unless it is absolutely necessary. God will wait for…

4 years ago

Visions of Heaven

I want to know that there are people here, embracing the God of the universe, reveling in all His glory,…

4 years ago

A Lesson from Solomon

It is not the money, or status, or ideas, or accolades that will survive eternity. It is the people you…

4 years ago

Run the Race

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us

4 years ago

I Chose You

John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit…

4 years ago


Between the kids, housework and a job there is no time for sleep. Lack of sleep brings on mistakes, mistakes…

4 years ago


“Give me a longing for a scent of a flower I have not found, the echo of a tune I…

5 years ago