
Do We live for God or With God?

Do we live for God or with God? We all go through seasons of doubt. It is those times when…

8 months ago

Are we Seeking The Truth or Validation

Another part of my life that needs evaluation this coming year is my perception of seeking the truth or validation.…

9 months ago

A New Creature in the New Year

I want to be a new creature in the New Year. Actually, I don’t really want to be a new…

9 months ago

Work as an Identity in the New Year

As we move into yet another year, the first question we should contemplate is where work as an identity fits…

9 months ago

Ahaziah’s Christmas Story

Ahaziah's Christmas Story: I wondered what it might be like for a commoner (Ahaziah) to come across Jesus in Bethlehem.…

9 months ago

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord is one of our human flaws. Waiting, in general, is a major flaw for most of…

10 months ago

Is the Prosperity Gospel What You Think?

Is the true prosperity gospel what we think? I cringe every time I hear someone imply that God will reward…

10 months ago

At the End of Our Days

At the end of our days, what do we want ricocheting through our brain? What are we left with when…

10 months ago

Being for God or With God

Am I for God or with God? This troubling question was brought up via a book by Skye Jethani, “With:…

10 months ago

The Next Chapter of Stories to Tell

We are a collection of great stories waiting to be told. It is our choice to write these stories or…

11 months ago