
We Were Born to Thrive

We Were Born to Thrive is the title of Casting Crowns song. I love the context of their message. God made us for more than ordinary lives. How true. This thinking is the type that raises the average person above the din of everyday life. It is an attitude that helps us live as conquerors rather than victims. I met a lovely teenage girl on the airplane flight back from Honduras. She was reading “1984”. I found it interesting that one of today’s teenagers reading something philosophical. We got to talking about seizing opportunities. God will continue to give us opportunities to excel, but we must seize them. To do that takes courage and faith.

Proverbs 19:8, “He who cherishes understanding prospers.”

Thrive or Survive

Over almost three-quarters of a century here on earth, I have noticed one major difference between those who thrive and those who survive. Those who thrive are constantly looking for new opportunities to exploit. They are in tune with God’s purpose in their lives, and they seek challenges. They see failure as a learning experience. Those who spend their lives surviving are more likely to play life safe. God must hit them over the head several times to get them to move. Failure is a wrong turn or a waste of effort; it is a mistake to be avoided.

Proverbs 14:23, “Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!”

God created us to thrive. This idea is not prosperity-gospel; it is spiritual awareness. It is not thriving in worldly fortune and fame but in the spiritual sense of peace, compassion, and love. Worldly prosperity is yours by default if you can achieve those three things. Conventional wisdom is not about what you make but what you spend. God’s economy includes who you spend it on and with.

Proverbs 11:25, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

Even in Darkness

Lauren Daigle talks about how every decision God has put in front of her has led her to where she is today. At sixteen, God had given her a vision of her future. Just as it was starting, COVID shut it down. She recalls 560 days of silence and loneliness—the disappointment was suffocating. God always said to hold it loosely. Her eyes lost sight of who was most important. Now she sings to please Him, to bask in His presence, and success has followed.

Psalms 42:8, “By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”

Lauren Daigle – You Say

The path forward is not always straight, level, or wide. But the path forward, as directed by God, is the easiest. To truly thrive, we must seize the opportunities He has given us. They are not always easy, and they don’t always make sense. Disappointment will raise its ugly head. Challenges won’t make sense. But they are part of a bigger plan that God has prepared for you in advance. For us to live to our potential is to live for Him.


We are conquerors. We have an army of angelic hosts guarding our backside and God Himself leading us. Wars are fought on the battlefield of life, not in the boardrooms. To win is to have the courage to follow Jesus and seize the opportunities He has presented you. Do not leave this spinning blue orb as something less than God made you. Don’t just go through life; live it as God intended.

Ecclesiastes 3:13, “And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.”

Your life should be a symbolic throne for God to sit on. Don’t look around at what God has done in your life and think you earned it, deserve it, or are entitled to it. Stay humble on the backside of all that God will do through you. Compassion, peace, and love will be yours.

Psalm 122:6, “They shall prosper that love you.”

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