"We have met the enemy, and he is us." Walt Kelly popularized this statement in the comic strip Pogo in…
The scene of the crime is in your mind. What misdeed we discuss doesn't matter; human behavior starts with a…
Watch one, Do One, Teach One. One of the things I have learned in life is that original ideas come…
Another part of my life that needs evaluation this coming year is my perception of seeking the truth or validation.…
Number one on their list was Jesus. Judging strictly on longevity and influence, Jesus was determined to be the biggest…
The silent lie is passive; it takes no effort. In many cases, we congratulate ourselves for holding our tongue.
Sometimes we get so used to thinking one way that it never dawns on us that our thinking may be…
“What a heartbreak it would be to live an “almost” Christian life, then “almost” get into heaven.”
One of the hardest lessons I had to learn in life is that there are certain things that I can’t…
Never settle for a life that is less than the one God created for you.